The Adventures of Pinocchio Pinocchio on His Ball Earrings
"The Adventures of Pinocchio. Story of a Puppet"), commonly shortened to Pinocchio, is a children's fantasy novel by Italian author Carlo Collodi. It is about the mischievous adventures of an animated marionette named Pinocchio and his creator and father figure, a poor woodcarver named Geppetto.
Discover the wooden puppet on his ball earrings from The Adventures of Pinocchio collection. The little puppet boy has found his red and pink ball and is sat on it to guard it preciously and claim it as his own. Lost in thought, he smiles happily and proudly holds the straps of his blue overalls.
(Available in types of clip-on earrings, which are suitable for non-pierced ears.)
gold-plated brass, hand-enameled
length: 3.60 cm
width: 1.40 cm
depth: 1.50 cm
weight: 7.00 g