The Little Mermaid Goldfish and Pearl Earrings
"The Little Mermaid" is a fairy tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. Originally published in 1837 as part of a collection of fairy tales for children, the story follows the journey of a young mermaid princess who is willing to give up her life in the sea as a mermaid to gain a human soul.
Earrings feature mermaid and red fish, set on gold-plated brass enameled by hand, dangling with artificial pearly bead. Les Néréides reinvents the tale of The Little Mermaid and her many friends the dolphins, hippocampus and other seas of the sea.
(Available in types of clip-on earrings, which are suitable for non-pierced ears.)
gold-plated brass, hand-enameled, cut glass and plastic pearl bead
length: 4.50 cm
width: 3.00 cm
depth: 1.80 cm
weight: 12.00 g
Item No. ATOC1011